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A company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain with Windows 10 Enterprise client computers.
You need to minimize the amount of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) authorization information that is stored in the registry.
What should you do?
A. Create a Group Policy Object (GPO) that enables the Turn on TPM Local Encryption policy setting.
B. Enable Platform Configuration Register indices (PCRs) 0, 2, 4, and 11 for the Configure TPM validation profile for native UEFI firmware configuration policy setting.
C. Create a Group Policy Object (GPO) that sets the Configure the level of TPM owner authorization information available to operating system policy setting to None.
D. Create a Group Policy Object (GPO) that disables the Configure the level of TPM owner authorization information available to operating system policy setting.
Answer: C
Assuming there is no user integration present, which process must you follow to remove the option to run the Best Match and User Skill Gap report from all supervisors?
A. Select each individualsupervisor and update the permissions in the account permissions one by one.
B. Update the supervisor account template to apply the changes to all supervisor accounts.
C. Select all supervisors and open the account permissions, and remove the permissions for all supervisors at once.
D. Update the supervisor user role and remove the appropriate permissions.
Answer: D
Which of the following means of wireless authentication is easily vulnerable to spoofing?
B. MAC Filtering
C. Enabled SSID
Answer: B
Each network interface on your computer or any other networked device has a unique MAC address. These MAC addresses are assigned in the factory, but you can easily change, or "spoof," MAC addresses in software.
Networks can use MAC address filtering, only allowing devices with specific MAC addresses to connect to a network. This isn't a great security tool because people can spoof their MAC addresses.
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