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Identify three mandatory items for creating a rule set in Oracle Sales Cloud. (Choose three.)
A. Business Object
B. Work Object
C. Effective Start Date and Effective End Date
D. Candidate Object
E. Name
Answer: A,B,D
The router is enabled and the role of the router HW OSPF HW ABR, abr -surmnary, LSA ? is configured and then which classes are summarized
A. 5 LSA class
B. 2 LSA class
C. 4 LSA class
D. 3 LSA class
E. 1 LSA class
Answer: B,D,E
What is the function of NSX Data Security?
A. Identifies sensitive data in your virtualized environment based upon regulation security policies
B. Prevents sensitive data in your virtualized environment from being modified
C. Identifies sensitive data in your virtualized environment based upon regulation violation reports
D. Prevents sensitive data in your virtualized environment from being copied
Answer: C
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