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Dann ist alles gethan, Du mußt noch heute Musterung über sie Process-Automation Exam halten, und wir können unsere Übungen heute noch beginnen, Wie können auch uns diese drei Bereiche Vergnügen bereiten?
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In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Native Presence, what two things is a watcher monitoring in real
time? (Choose two.)
A. registration status of Cisco Extension Mobility of the IP phone
B. registration status of the hunt group
C. registration status of a specific IP phone
D. status of a registered directory number
E. registration status of the MGCP gateway
Answer: C,D
You need to complete the code at line LV19 to implement the validation of the app license.
Which code segment should you use?
A. Option D
B. Option A
C. Option B
D. Option C
Answer: D
Scenario: Only users with a paid license can use the app.
Your customer has recently purchased a VNX to host their three Oracle RAC database environments and automated payment processing application. The RACs and application are differentiated as follows: ORA-PROD, ORA-STAGE, ORA-DEV, APP-PROD, APP-STAGE, and APP-DEV.
The customer has provided you with their Enterprise Storage Policy (ESP) and is requesting that you adhere to this policy when architecting their new VNX solution. The ESP states the following as it relates to Oracle database storage requirements:
-All LUNs must be configured as raw devices -All LUNs must be managed using ASM -No fewer than two LUNs per ASM disk group -No more than one database per RAC per RAID Group -No more than three databases per RAID group -All data LUNs must be 1000 GiB RAID 5 -All FRA LUNs must be 500 GiB RAID 1/0 -No more than eight total disks per RAID Group -No fewer than four disks per RAID Group
Based on the ESP, and assuming ORA-PROD has six instances, what is the minimum number of RAID Groups required?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: B
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