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Referring to the exhibit, which two statements are true regarding Q-in-Q tunneling? {Choose two)
A. The C-VLAN 150 will be sent as the inner VLAN tag
B. The C-VLAN traffic will be encapsulated with an outer VLAN lag of 150
C. The C-VLANs 100-200 will be sent as the inner VLAN tag
D. The C-VLAN traffic will be encapsulated with an outer VLAN tag of 10.
Answer: C,D
Which two actions are performed by installing the Oracle 12c Preinstall RPM on Oracle Linux?
A. It creates the grid user if not already defined.
B. It installs kernel modules required for the ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).
C. It creates the oinstall group if not already defined.
D. It modifies the /etc/sysctl.conf Linux file.
E. It installs the OpenSSH client package.
Answer: C,D
When installed, the Oracle Preinstallation RPM does the following:
Note: The Oracle RPMs for your Oracle Linux distributions and Oracle RDBMS releases automatically install any additional packages needed for installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database, and configure your server operating system automatically, including setting kernel parameters and other basic operating system requirements for installation.
Case Study Title (Case Study):
A. Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal (VMMSSP)
B. Service Manager Self-Service Portal
C. System Center 2012 App Controller
D. Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal (VMMSSP) 2.0
Answer: C
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