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A security administrator discovered that all communication over the company's encrypted wireless network is being captured by savvy employees with a wireless sniffing tool and is then being decrypted in an attempt to steal other employee's credentials. Which of the following technology is MOST likely in use on the company's wireless?
A. VPN over open wireless
B. WPA with TKIP
D. WPA2-Enterprise
Answer: B
You have deployed a Juniper EX Series switch in the network. The switch receives a broadcast frame on an interface.
Which statement describes the behavior of the switch?
A. The frame is flooded out all ports that are part of the same VLAN as the receiving port, including the port on which the frame was received.
B. The frame is flooded out all ports in all VLANs configured on the switch.
C. The frame is re-transmitted as a multicast frame on all ports on the switch.
D. The frame is flooded out all ports that are part of the same VLAN as the receiving port, except for the port on which the frame was received.
Answer: D
When performing SureBackup recovery verification, Veeam Backup & Replication powers
VMs from the Application Group according to what order?
A. The order of priority as specified in the Application Group settings
B. The order specified in the Virtual Lab settings
C. The order as they appear in the schedule
D. No order. VMs are started in parallel
Answer: B
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